Developing Data Skills at Macquarie University Library
Drawing on Library Carpentry lessons, pedagogy and community
Genomics Workshop Pilot and BugBBQ at University of Arizona
Help prepare the Genomics lessons for release in June!
Data in the desert
Library Carpentry workshop at the University of Arizona
Report back from University of Calgary Libraries
Workshop and instructor training for librarians
Data Carpentry for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists
Want to teach data science skills to people working with weather, climate and ocean data?
Geospatial Workshop is Now Ready to Teach!
Want to teach geospatial skills? Sign up for onboarding or to host a pilot workshop today.
Joshua Dull
Thea Atwood
Andrew Creamer
Julie Goldman
Kristin Lee
Lora Leligdon
Sara Oelker
Chris Erdmann
New England Libraries Team Up to Become Carpentries Members
Developing the New England Software Carpentry Library Consortium and a Community of Practice
Chris Erdmann
Belinda Weaver
John Chodacki
Juliane Schneider
Jez Cope
Kayleigh Lino
Tim Dennis
Cam Macdonell
What constitutes a Library Carpentry workshop?
What is considered a Library Carpentry workshop vs a roadshow
Seventy-One Workshops... and Counting
How the Library Carpentry community began, and where it is going
A Carpentries-Based Approach to Teaching FAIR Data and Software Principles
A report from the TIB Hannover FAIR Data & Software Workshop (9-13 July, 2018)