The Dovetail #13: Updates from The Carpentries Workbench
Ode to Maintainers
CarpentriesOffline — CarpentryCon 2022 feedback and call for help
Updates on the The CarpentriesOffline project
The Dovetail #12: Updates from The Carpentries Workbench
The beta stage is extending deadlines
I Can’t Believe I Survived Without It: Learning Data and Software Skills with The Carpentries
The ARDC’s Liz Stokes spoke to Carpentries workshop instructors and helpers about their reflections on running a workshop on data and software skills with ACEAS scientists.
Carpentries Gratitudes: 2022 and beyond
Reenvisioning how we show community appreciation
Planning for Lesson Program Governance Committees
Strengthening community leadership for Software, Library, and Data Carpentry
On The Carpentries and Twitter
A statement from the Community Development Team of The Carpentries
Incubator Lesson Spotlight: R and the Tidyverse for Working with Data
Help test and improve a lesson teaching visualisation with ggplot2
The Dovetail #10: Updates from The Carpentries Workbench
R for Social Scientists and R for Geospatial Data have entered the Beta Phase