Introducing The Carpentries' Regional Coordinators
How to connect with your Regional Coordinator
The Carpentries in New Zealand
Meet the NZ Regional Coordinator
Join Us at CarpentryConnect Manchester 2019!
Here's why you should attend #ccmcr19 from June 25 to 27, 2019.
CarpentryConnect Johannesburg 2018: Building Bridges for Digital and Computational Literacy.
Building the local South African Carpentries community through a CarpentryConnect.
Traducción al español de Ecología con Python, una lección de Data Carpentry
Nos complace anunciar una nueva lección traducida por la comunidad: Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python
Data Carpentry Python Ecology Lesson Translated into Spanish
We are excited to announce our newest community-driven lesson translation: Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python
Lesson Program Implementation, Governance Group Meeting, and Community Updates
News on Library Carpentry’s Lesson Program Implementation with The Carpentries
Announcing The Carpentries Community Discussions
Instructor Training Checkout requirement to include Community Discussions
2018 Community Service Award Winners
Thanks to the award winners, sorted by surname, Tim Dennis, Margareth Gfrerer, Toby Hodges, Fotis Psomopoulos, and Malvika Sharan.