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Building Library Carpentry Community and Development

Announcing Chris Erdmann as the new Library Carpentry Community and Development Director, starting 4 May, 2018.

Volunteering for CarpentryCon 2018

CarpentryCon 2018 Needs YOUR help

Launching our New Handbook

Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries' materials

Launching Our New Handbook

Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries material

Developing GitHub labels for The Carpentries lessons

The process of developing GitHub labels for our lessons.

How to be involved in the Bug BBQ?

A short guide on how to contribute and be involved during The Carpentries Bug BBQ.

Mentoring Groups Open for Multiple Timezones

Did you miss the deadline to join a mentoring group?

How to be involved in the Bug BBQ?

A short guide on how to contribute and be involved during The Carpentries Bug BBQ.