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Thank You for Supporting our Outreach Efforts

We appreciate the enthusiasm and creativity with which community members communicate in, about and in support of The Carpentries

With gratitude, to the Code of Conduct Committee

The Code of Conduct Committee continues to embody our Core Values, and for that, we are grateful.

New Etherpad server

We upgraded our Etherpad server.

Introducing The Carpentries Gratitudes Series

We are taking time throughout December 2019 to reflect, write and share our community green stickies for the year

The Carpentries Long-Term Survey is Open

We are collecting feedback on the long-term impact of our workshops. We want to hear from you!

Internationalisation of Software Carpentry: System for Translation into Japanese

A collaborative translation of lessons into Japanese is underway, find out what we have learned and how to help

Introducing The Carpentries Core Values

Thanks to our community's input, we are excited to share The Carpentries' nine core values