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Outlining a Successful Virtual Software Carpentry Workshop on Zoom

This post covers instructors' experiences running a four-day online Software Carpentry workshop at the University of Washington

Reading and Reflection Days for The Carpentries Core Team

Going forwards, Carpentries Core Team will set aside one work day a month to read and reflect. Friday, June 12 will be the first of these.

Call for Proposal Review and CarpentryCon @ Home Regional Hosts

The CarpentryCon @ Home Task Force would appreciate community feedback on proposals, and seeks regional hosts to help facilitate sessions at the conference.

The Carpentries’ 2020 Strategic Focus and Path Forward

Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress

A Call for Allyship and Solidarity

The Carpentries Core Team advocates for empathy, empowerment, and equity

Learners' Experiences from South Africa's Online Workshop

This post covers learners' experiences and feedback from SADiLaR's first three-day online Data Carpentry workshop in early May

Introducing our new Astronomy Curriculum Developer

Dr. Allen Downey joins The Carpentries as Astronomy Curriculum Developer. Welcome!

Announcing a New Series of Online Workshop Themed Discussions

Please join The Carpentries Core Team for a monthly community call centred around online workshops

Learnings from the First Centrally-Organised Online Workshop of 2020

Here are examples of what worked well and other observations from our workshop held in the last week of April