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Running an Online Data Carpentry Workshop in Iran

This post covers the instructor's experiences teaching an online Data Carpentry workshop in Iran

Apply to Join The Carpentries Lesson Development Study Groups

Announcing a new program to support community members wishing to develop a new lesson in The Carpentries Incubator.

Outcome of October Community Discussion for Nordic and Baltic Countries

Best practices on online teaching compared to in-person? How to build more visible community network? Nordic and Baltic community is moving forward

Thank You SO MUCH Carpentries Community!

We spent some time reflecting on 2020 as a Team, and wrote thank you notes for our community.

Amending the Carpentries Bylaws in 2020

Here is what has changed in our bylaws this year

Welcome to our Newest Instructor Trainers!

Fourteen new Carpentries Instructor Trainers have been badged!