Become an Instructor and help bring data and coding skills to people across the globe!
Open Instructor Training is for individual applicants, now prioritised for interest in teaching Centrally-Organised workshops
The Carpentries Workbench: Beta Phase and Beyond
Initial outline and plan for the Beta Phase of The Carpentries Workbench
Teaching Centrally-Organised Workshops
Exploring Centrally-Organised workshops and how Instructors reap the benefits!
The Carpentries Strategic Plan: Year Two In Review
The Carpentries Community Development Program, efforts towards Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and more progress towards our five-year strategic plan!
CarpentryConnect South Africa 2021 - A global event
An estimated 300GB of mobile data was provided to 71 attendees.
Executive Council Key Activities Report
Reporting period: August 2021 to January 2022 (inclusive)
Incubator Lesson Spotlight: Interactive Data Visualizations in Python
Get involved in the community’s development of a new lesson on how to create interactive data visualizations in Python.
Introducing The Carpentries Accessibility Manager, Brynn Elliott
The Carpentries welcomes Brynn Elliott, Accessibility Manager
Announcing 2022 Executive Council Elections
Nominations are now open for four Executive Council (EC) positions to join for two year terms 2022-2023…
Make a recurring gift via GitHub Sponsors to support The Carpentries’ curriculum
We have launched a GitHub Sponsorship page to fund revisions to several Carpentries lessons.