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Join the Monthly Instructor Meetings

Calling ALL Instructors, Experienced Instructors and New Instructors

The Future of CarpentryCon and Community Programming

Upcoming changes to professional development and community building offerings

Developing Support for Instructors in 2023

Read about our plans to improve Instructor onboarding and make it easier to teach our curricula.

Apply for the current round of Carpentries Maintainer Onboarding!

The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next cohort of Maintainers. Applications due March 8th.

Register your Carpentries Subcommunity

Updates on the Community Development Program

Launching Data Carpentry: Image Processing with Python

Announcing the stable release of a new curriculum teaching image processing skills. Sign up to host a workshop today!

Introducing The Carpentries Information Technology Developer, Eli Chadwick

The Carpentries welcomes Eli Chadwick, Information Technology Developer