Toby Hodges

Call for Pilot Workshops: Neuroimaging Lessons

Help with the further improvement of these lessons from The Carpentries Incubator

Alpha testing a Jekyll Pages lesson

Community members reflect on the experience of teaching a new lesson for the first time.

Apply to Join The Carpentries Lesson Development Study Groups

Announcing a new program to support community members wishing to develop a new lesson in The Carpentries Incubator.

Thank you for contributing to Glosario!

Following up on Hacktoberfest 2020 and the first Glosario contribution drive.

Call for Pilot Workshops: Introduction to Conda for (Data) Scientists

Help with the further improvement of this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator

Announcing the new Help Wanted page

A new page to highlight issues needing your help.

Hacktoberfest 2020 - Glosario Contribution Drive

This October, help us internationalise and expand Glosario, the open source, multilingual glossary of data science terms.

Introducing our new Curriculum Community Developer

Dr. Toby Hodges joins The Carpentries as Curriculum Community Developer. Welcome!

CarpentryConnect Events in 2020

Three regional Carpentries community events will take place this year. Read on and find out if one is scheduled in your region and how to participate in an event near you.

What's Involved in Leading a Carpentries Community Committee?

Interested in leading the Instructor Development Committee? Learn more about the Committee and read some advice from a former Co-Chair.