Toby Hodges
Welcoming the New Lesson Program Governance Committees
Community leaders who will guide project strategy for Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry
The 2023 Instructor Notes Drive Starts Next Week!
Everything you need to get involved and make Carpentries lessons easier to teach.
Get Ready for the Instructor Notes Drive
A community-wide event to update, expand, and improve guidance provided to Instructors in lessons
The Dovetail #17: Updates from The Carpentries Workbench
Final preparations are underway
Toby Hodges
Claudia Zirión Martínez
Diego Garfias Gallegos
Aarón Espinosa Jaime
José Abel Lovaco Flores
J Abraham Avelar Rivas
Tania Vanessa Arellano Fernández
Edder Daniel Díaz
Luis Gerardo Tejero Gómez
Nelly Sélem Mojica
The Carpentries Lab: Metagenomics Curriculum
A peer-reviewed Metagenomics curriculum has been added to The Carpentries Lab
Developing Support for Instructors in 2023
Read about our plans to improve Instructor onboarding and make it easier to teach our curricula.
Launching Data Carpentry: Image Processing with Python
Announcing the stable release of a new curriculum teaching image processing skills. Sign up to host a workshop today!
Calling for Volunteers to join a Lesson Program Governance Committee
Guide the development of Software Carpentry, Library Carpentry, or Data Carpentry
Planning for Lesson Program Governance Committees
Strengthening community leadership for Software, Library, and Data Carpentry
Announcing our newest Curriculum Advisory Committees
Curriculum Advisors will guide the development of our lessons for Ecology, Image Processing, and Social Science.