Angelique Trusler

CarpentryConnect South Africa 2021 - A global event

An estimated 300GB of mobile data was provided to 71 attendees.

Highlighting our strategic plan efforts to support local community building

CarpentryConnect South Africa is a significant milestone in our Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

Registration for CarpentryConnect South Africa 2021 now open!

The main goal of CarpentryConnect South Africa 2021 is to build capacity for workshops through instructor training, and establish a network for the regional Carpentries community.

Lessons Learned - Data Carpentries Workshop for SADiLaR (August 31, 2020)

This post covers instructors' experiences teaching a Data Carpentries workshop for the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources in August 2020

Pre- and Post-workshop discussions : Six months into 2020

We have hosted more than 50 pre- and post-workshop discussions between January and June 2020

Learners' Experiences from South Africa's Online Workshop

This post covers learners' experiences and feedback from SADiLaR's first three-day online Data Carpentry workshop in early May

A Brief Guide to Lists in The Carpentries' TopicBox

Wondering what lists to subscribe to in The Carpentries TopicBox? Read this helpful guide by Angelique Trusler