Carpentries Governance History
Find out about our current Governance.
2024 Board of Directors
- John Chodacki [Appointed 2023], President
- Yanina Bellini Saibene [Appointed 2023], Vice President
- Michael Smith [Appointed 2023], Treasurer
- Sarah Stevens [Appointed 2023], Secretary
- Konrad Förstner [Appointed 2023]
- Eboni Dotson [Appointed 2023]
- Jannetta Steyn [Elected 2024]
- Mark Crowe [Elected 2024]
- Paola Corrales [Elected 2024]
- Nisha Ghatak [Elected 2024]
2023 Executive Council
- John Chodacki [Appointed since 2021], 2023 Vice Chair
- Konrad Förstner [Appointed since 2020], 2023 Chair
- Nisha Ghatak [Appointed since 2023]
- Abdulai Imoro [Elected since 2022]
- Annajiat Alim Rasel [Elected since 2022]
- Yanina Bellini Saibene [Elected since 2022]
- Michael Smith [Appointed since 2021], 2023 Treasurer
- Sarah Stevens [Elected since 2021], 2023 Secretary
- Jannetta Steyn [Elected since 2023]
2022 Executive Council
- Sarah Stevens [Elected since 2021], 2022 Chair
- Konrad Förstner [Appointed since 2020], 2022 Vice Chair, 2021 Secretary, 2020 Code of Conduct committee liaison
- Aleksandra Nenadic [Elected since 2021], 2022 Secretary
- Michael Smith [Appointed since 2021], 2021-2022 Treasurer
- Yanina Bellini Saibene [Elected since 2022]
- Masami Yamaguchi [Appointed since 2021], 2021 Code of Conduct committee liaison
- John Chodacki [Appointed since 2021]
- Annajiat Alim Rasel [Appointed since 2022], 2022 Code of Conduct committee liaison
- Abdulai Imoro [Appointed since 2022]
2021 Executive Council
- Cedric Chambers [Appointed since 2020]
- John Chodacki [Appointed since 2021]
- Konrad Förstner [Appointed since 2020], 2021 Secretary, 2020 Code of Conduct committee liaison
- Paula Andrea Martinez [Elected since 2020], 2021 Vice Chair
- Lex Nederbragt [Elected since 2018], 2021 Chair, 2020 Vice Chair, 2018 Secretary
- Aleksandra Nenadic [Elected since 2021]
- Michael Smith [Appointed since 2021], 2021 Treasurer
- Sarah Stevens [Elected since 2021]
- Masami Yamaguchi [Appointed since 2021], 2021 Code of Conduct committee liaison
2020 Executive Council
- Cedric Chambers [Appointed since 2020]
- Mesfin Diro Chaka [Appointed since 2019], 2019 Secretary
- Konrad Förstner [Appointed since 2020], 2020 Code of Conduct committee liaison
- Amy Hodge [Elected since 2018], 2019 Chair
- Joslynn Lee [Appointed since 2019], 2020 Secretary
- Paula Andrea Martinez [Elected since 2020]
- Lex Nederbragt [Elected since 2018], 2020 Vice Chair, 2018 Secretary
- Juan Steyn [Appointed since 2019], 2020 Treasurer
- Elizabeth Wickes [Elected since 2018], 2020 Chair, 2019 Code of Conduct committee liaison
2019 Executive Council
- Amy Hodge [Elected] - Chair
- Kate Hertweck [Appointed] - Vice Chair
- Mesfin Diro Chaka [Appointed] - Secretary
- Raniere Silva [Elected] - Treasurer
- Karen Cranston [Appointed] - Code of Conduct committee liaison
- Juan Steyn [Appointed]
- Joslynn Lee [Appointed]
- Lex Nederbragt [Elected]
- Elizabeth Wickes [Elected]
2018 Executive Council
- Karen Cranston [Appointed] - Chair
- Kate Hertweck [Appointed] - Vice Chair
- Sue McClatchy [Appointed] - Treasurer
- Lex Nederbragt [Elected] - Secretary
- Mateusz Kuzak [Appointed]
- Ethan White [Appointed]
- Amy Hodge [Elected]
- Elizabeth Wickes [Elected]
- Raniere Silva [Elected]